My "Why"...

I've been doing photography in Connecticut for about 8 years now. Many times people ask me why I'm a photographer and there's a few reasons...

#1 This sounds cheesy but I couldn't picture myself doing anything else but photography. Photography is my purpose on this Earth. It's my favorite thing in the whole world, and I'm so grateful that I get to spend 90% of my time doing this. I get to capture beautiful bonds between couples, families and individuals. I've met so many incredible people in New England and the whole country and the world through photography.

#2 Being in love is a beautiful feeling. I know what it feels like. It's beautiful, emotional, and intimate experience. It's something that you never want to let go of, and that's why I'm here. I'm here to encompass the beauty of your love and your relationship in 30 minutes to an hour or a full day so you can hold onto it forever. When you're going through day to day with your partner, you only see them. You never see yourself or you together. My photos show you together and what your relationship holds. Is it full of laughs and constants smiles? Is it vulnerable and deep? That's what I hope to capture when I take your photos and why I do what I do.

#3 The last reason why I'm here is for your beauty and confidence. Taking self portraits helped me find confidence in myself, and now I want to help you find it within yourself. I know most people (including myself) will gag at the thought of people taking photos of them because they know they won't like them. But you deserve beautiful photos to make you feel good about yourself. Show off that scar that makes you feel insecure. Embrace yourself!!! You are so beautiful, and deserve to feel that way. I'm so grateful I get to help people in their process of loving themselves for who they are.

I always say to myself that "We can only live our best lives if we are comfortable in our own skin" and I want to help you get there.