Samantha and Pablo's Couple Session in Providence, Rhode Island.

Besides New York City, Providence will always be a city that is near and dear to my heart. I went to college in Providence so the city will always be special to me. It is so quaint and unique. Sam and I were in the photo department together at my school, Providence College, and I have ALWAYS looked up to her. She is the kindest and most welcoming soul I've encountered. Her and her husband Pablo have 2 kids and 2 businesses, which is wild to me, I'll never know how they do it all.

I had such a blast walking around Providence with them. We went on the Providence Michael Van Leeston Pedestrian Bridge, Benefit Street, and near the Rhode Island School of Design museum. I tried out a few new prompts that had us all crying laughing. They are photographers as well so it was nice to chat with them and have them be on the other side of the camera! Much love to these two.

If you're looking to have your engagement photos done in Providence I would love to chat! Providence is a second home for me and I'll always love traveling over there.